Tuesday 4 March 2008

No Internship for the Summer?

If you haven’t managed to secure a summer internship this summer then what you should be thinking about now is how you can improve yourself both at an educational and personal level so that you can secure a summer internship next year or a graduate programme which will also be just as competitive at the very least if not more.

So here are a few ideas/examples for things you can do during the summer to improve your chances:

1) Research and educate yourself in the way of the Investment Banks! – Regardless on what you will be doing during your summer, reading regularly about a bank that you are interested in and its industry is something you should be doing. I have met students that actually try to find out about banking news a few days before their interview! To really know a bank and what is actually going on in the markets you are going to need more than yesterdays news.

2) Take relevant courses – there are so many courses that you can take that are highly regarded by investment banks, these extra qualifications means that you will be differentiating yourself from the many students that turn up with standard qualifications: GCSE, A Levels, IBs etc. A respected course provider is:


From the above you will see there is a wide range of qualifications to choose from, but make sure you chose one that will help you in the division you will be applying for.

Also as a braod guideline:

CFA: Would suit Asset management and equity research etc - http://www.cfainstitute.org/

CFQ: Would be suited for M&A/Corp Finance etc - http://www.cfqualification.com/

There are also some summer schools run by the LSE which can be very useful. But they are expensive!

3) Work Experience: Part time, Full Time, Temping and Voluntary work – all experience is good experience, but trying to find a job that is relevant to Investment banking is very difficult. However, it goes without saying that this will be a definite plus.

4) Travel! – Spending your summer travelling may be a viable proposition; as long as you combine it with some form of voluntary work, this will mean you will have something worth talking positively about in an interview!

5) Do nothing! – This is an option that has its own valid argument. Since you will be working for the majority of your life why don’t you relax now! However, in the interviews you will turn up as the same person you were last year, no improvement à it’s actually quite funny if you think about!

I hope the above helps. The bottom line is be proactive if you want to succeed.

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