Thursday, 14 August 2008

Work Fitness into your Busy Routine

There are only 24 hours in a day, and we spend at least five or six of those sleeping. For the high-powered workaholic types, most of their waking hours are spent at the office hunched over a desk or a computer screen. An increase in work is almost always accompanied by an increase in stress, especially in the environment that surrounds an investment banker or anyone else who works at other fast-paced jobs. These professionals hardly take the time to eat properly, let alone exercise. Fueled by unhealthy caffeine and soggy takeout food once in a while, they find themselves fighting a losing battle with stress and tension and their associated ills. It’s not long before other ailments like diabetes, cardiac diseases and strokes catch up with them as punishment for the unhealthy lifestyle they lead.

It’s never too late for those who seriously want to bring about a positive change in their lives though. Your position at the office can be filled if you are not around, but you are irreplaceable. Remember that and turn your life around today, by making just a few changes.

· No matter how early you go in to work, eat a healthy breakfast before you start your day.

· Walk to work if you live just a few blocks away. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

· Use your lunch hour to hit the office gym if there is one. If not, take a walk outside or in the corridors of your office.

· Take a brown bag from home to the office with a healthy lunch, and make it a point to eat it.

· Bring your own health drink or fruit juice to replace the numerous cups of coffee you drink at the office.

· Don’t sit at your desk all day; get up and walk around every half hour, either to talk to a colleague or use the restroom.

· When you feel stress coming on, use a minute or two to close your eyes and take deep breaths. Practice meditation for a few minutes or so.

· Massage your forehead and neck with your fingertips when you feel stiff.

· Maintain the right posture; don’t hunch over your computer or slouch in your chair.

· Keep both feet on the ground instead of crossing one over the other.

· Make sure your desk is positioned so that you don’t have to keep turning when someone enters your office.

· When you’re standing for long periods of time, balance your weight equally on both feet and keep your hands at your sides.

· Give up cigarettes if you’re a regular smoker.

Remember, fit or fat, the choice is yours.

This article is contributed by Sarah Scrafford, who regularly writes on the subject of Geriatric Care degree online. She invites your questions and comments at her email address:


JANE said...

"Thanks guys for sharing such a wonderful article with us.

Anonymous said...

I snack when im stressed, going to the gym helps me justify the munchies!