Tuesday 23 October 2007

Starting Salary from Front Office to Back Office

I found this on a great site. Somebody did research on the salaries for those that work in investment banks and i think they are quite accurate or at the very least a good approximation. Let me know if you know otherwise so i can update this. [Use the comments to do this]

Money is in UK Pounds (£)

Front Office:
IBD............................................... .35K (26.25K taxed)(with bonus of double digit %)
Sales and Trading.............................33K(24.75K taxed) (with bonus of double digit %)
M&A............................................... 34K (25.5K taxed) (with bonus of double digit %)
IBD (M&A) ................................... 37k + 7k signing bonus 12 months bonus : 100%-150% of base. (58.6K taxed assuming 125% bonus and 35% taxed)

Middle Office:
Risk (Credit, Market, Operational)........30K (22.5 taxed) (with bonus of around 20-30 %)

Back Office:
IT................................................ .28K (21K taxed) (with bonus of around 10-20 %)
Operation.......................................25 K (18.75 taxed) (with bonus of around 10-20 %)

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